Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Come From A Land Down Under

Greetings. Love from Melbourne. Things continue to be wonderful in this spectacular country. In the blog you'll notice I've included a few photos. The first is of Ethan, Molly and me standing in front of a Koala bear. The second is of molly and me on Phillips Island (read the last post). Notice in the that photo we were are dresses as if it is winter time -- well it's winter time.

The three of us took another fantastic trip, down to the great ocean road, which I'll include in a future blog.

But a little about my job in these parts. Popular to what you may infer from the blog posting, I am actually working quite hard. I am based out of the biggest progressive synagogue in Melbourne called Temple Beth Israel (but everyone just calls it TBI). While I spend most of my days at TBI, I am actually an employee of the Union for Progressive Judaism in Melbourne. I spend my time working for three different progressive synagogues, the progressive youth movement Netzer, a progressive Day School and a few other nick-knacks. I've been assisting with a variety of services, leading a variety of conversations/study groups, teaching parts of an intro to Judaism class, helping out in the Hebrew school and doing a variety of other projects and odds and ends.

The people are wonderful. It's a very playful culture. Australians love play on words, they rhyme lots of things (chicken curry = no worries), call each other hosts of names (bald = curly, big nosed = chiseled) and have other great phrases and mannerisms. I've also learned that people from Melbourne think they have a much much better city than Sydney and vice-versa. Furthermore, the mayor of Melbourne is a Chinese Immigrant named named John So, who the entire city adores, but who, I gather, is impossible to understand.

Off to footy with Ethan this weekend and maybe some lawn bowling tonight.

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