Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rabbi Proof Fence

I have a car. Her name is Matilda. She's no Charlene, but she's treating me rather well. It's an automatic shift Nissan Pulsar (in terms of pronunciation -- in Australia Nissan rhymes with listen). It's a good little car - the wheel is on the right side, the breaks and the gas are in the same position. I often turn on my wipers instead of my signal. As of yet I only drove on the wrong side of the road once -- and that was in a very remote area, there was no danger. I also almost hit a wallibee .

Driving in Melbourne is actually pretty easy. Generally a grid, patient drivers, well marked roads, etc.... The only tricky thing is that you share some of the major roads with Trams, so if you get stuck behind one at the wrong time of day it can be a long trip. When I go into downtown (the CBD) I take a train or a tram.

As I think I've blogged about before, Melbourne is in the middle of a drought. There are restrictions water usage and they encourage people to take short showers. It's also a rather progressive country in terms of Environmental matters. They recycle everything!! They also have switches on all outlets, to save energy when you leave your TV or Cell Phone charger plugged in -- it makes a lot of sense. They also cut down on fuel by having all of the postmen ride kangaroos. They put the mail in the pouch so they have an easy place to store the letters when they are riding around town. It really is an incredible sight.

Despite the drought, it was a cold and wet weekend down under. My tennis game got canceled and I got caught in a minor hail storm on Saturday afternoon. I'm going to postpone the Australia quiz for another Blog Post. But I will say, if you send me your address (or post as a comment) , I guarantee a post card.


The OCC said...

Mailmen on kangaroos -- genius.

pimp lucius said...

you know this is . . . fffuunkkyy

Instructor: Erin Gleeson said...

As my dad read your post he yelled to me, "Noooo! Erin, did you see this? The mailmen there ride kangaroos!" I said, "Dad- I think it's a joke." And then he laughed really loud and snorted.

Jeff said...

Awesome title! Give Matilda a waltz for me. Glad the funeral went nicely. You're doing serious business my friend!

Back from Alaska, you should go there too. Mailmen on Moose, it's efficient.

Unknown said...

you're a rabbi? who knew

samantha hahn said...


Careful all the ladies are going to be sweating your wheels...